Lauren Yanofsky Hates THe Holocaust
Lauren Yanofsky doesn't want to be Jewish anymore. Her father, a noted Holocaust historian, keeps giving her Holocaust memoirs to read, and her mother doesn't understand why Lauren hates the idea of Jewish youth camps and family vacations to Holocaust memorials. But when Lauren sees some of her friends—including Jesse, a cute boy she likes—playing Nazi war games, she is faced with a terrible choice: betray her friends or betray her heritage.
Told with engaging humor, LYHH isn't simply about making tough moral choices. It's about a smart, funny, passionate girl caught up in the turmoil of bad-hair days, family friction, changing friendships, love—and, yes, the Holocaust.
"The Nazi war games juxtaposed with Lauren's Jewish background and the
‘way she must come to terms with the problem and her emotions are thought-
provoking themes which allow Lauren to develop throughout the book. Her
maturing process literally goes through a "trial by fire," and a different Lauren
emerges in the final pages of the novel. Recommended."
- CM Magazine
"Lieberman, known for her edgy, provocative Jewish-themed novels,...creates
another strong female protagonist, whose characterization of Judaism as a
religion "about loss, grief and persecution’ will raise eyebrows with both
Jewish and non-Jewish readers. A thought-provoking exploration of a teen's
evolving ideals.”
- Kirkus Reviews